Introduction of Share the Care

Founded in 2006, Share the Care is a leading enterprise youth volunteer service platform and hub organization in China, serving thousands Domestic and foreign enterprises and millions white-collar employees in the FESCO system. Share the Care has been paying attention to and helping vulnerable children for a long time. It is a major actor in the field of educational assistance for rural and urban children with special needs. Its work direction involves four fields, namely rural education, environmental protection, health and sanitation and art. The network of volunteer service projects and public welfare resources covers the whole country. So far, it has launched more than 300 Chinese and foreign enterprises to carry out more than 600 public welfare projects and voluntary service activities in 200 rural schools in seven provinces and cities, involving more than 15.7 million employees of enterprises and volunteers of university students and benefiting nearly 1,300,000 rural teachers and students.

Mission: To give every child a fair chance for education

Institutional information:
In 2015, Beijing Share the Care Public Welfare Promotion Center was officially registered with the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau as a private non-profit organization with a unified social credit code of 5211 0000 3590 0483 3A. The financial management side of the public donation of Share the Care is: China Charities Aid Foundation for Children.

Contact information:
Contact:Ms. Alina Wang/Wang Gongyou
Phone: 010-82193926/13520576052

I. Environmental Project

1.#Zero For Earth# Environmental Action│Land and Ocean Clean


In 2023, Share the Care has launched the project of #Zero Carbon For Earth# Walking to Pick up Waste, mobilizing employee volunteers from corporate offices in various cities to hike and pick up waste in natural scenic spots, country parks, rivers, lakes, wetlands and other places to protect the surrounding environment. Companies will not only organize employee volunteers to participate through offline activities and online step donation, but also record the number of walking steps through the Tencent Step Donation, and companies can make matching gifts, carry out tree planting and calculate the number of carbon reduction.


2.#Zero For Earth# Environmental Action│The 12th“Run with Love” 5KM Charity Walk(in Beijing Olympic Forest Park)


“Run with Love” was initiated by Share the Care in 2012. It is held in Beijing Olympic Forest Park every spring. It is the largest and most influential charity walking activity for corporate volunteers in Beijing, with nearly 100 Chinese and foreign enterprises and over 5,000 employees participating every year. Up to now, it has gained the support of over 500 Chinese and foreign enterprises and nearly 40,000 employees have participated, providing practical help to vulnerable children’s groups with the power of walking.


3.#Zero For Earth# Environmental Action│Tree Planting & Office Carbon Reducing


In 2017, Share the Care launched the Great Wall Spring Tree Planting Campaign to support corporate employees in their greening responsibilities. In 2021, Share the Care launched the “Zero-carbon Workplace” environmental initiative to support corporate employees in reducing office consumption and offsetting office carbon emissions by planting trees and forests with water, electricity and paper as specific indicators. It produced clear carbon emission reduction data to help companies’ ESG strategy and national “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.” So far, more than 45,000 employees from 72 companies have participated in the project, donated more than 400 million steps and planted 5,087 trees.


4. #Zero For Earth# Environmental Action│Biodiversity Protection


In 2021, Share the Care launched an environmental education campaign on biodiversity, supporting companies to organize employee volunteers to go to forest parks, wetland parks, marine parks and museums to explore, photograph and identify wildlife, and invite professional instructors to give on-site lectures to guide employees to discover and understand the biodiversity around them. So far, more than 300 corporate staff volunteers and children have participated, practicing and advocating ecosystem protection while getting close to nature and caring for it.


II. Educational Projects

1.Rural School Online Classroom | STEAM Online Course


In 2018, Share the Care set up the “Rural School Online Classroom | STEAM Online Course” mobilizing corporate volunteers and university student volunteers to provide courses for rural children in the direction of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics by means of live broadcast teaching. By 2022, a total of 15 companies and 176 universities have participated in online voluntary education courses, providing 7,204 class hours of education courses in 132 rural schools in Anhui, Qinghai, Yunnan, Hainan, Gansu, Sichuan and Ningxia, directly benefiting 1,775,186 students.


2.Rural School Online Classroom | STEAM Online Course Donation


Share the Care launched a call for STEAM education curriculum for rural schools in 2020, mobilizing companies to donate their own STEAM curriculum, or organizing volunteers to write curriculum for rural schools. The courses donated by enterprises can be listed in the “Online Volunteer Education Excellent-course Center,” which are open to enterprise volunteers and college students who participate in online volunteer education for free, and donated to rural schools in need. Up to now, it has collected nearly 150 courses in six categories, including AI, art, biology, environment, safety and culture.


3.“Rainbow Camp”Migrant School Support Program


In 2013, Share the Care set up the“Rainbow Camp”Migrant School Support Program, mobilizing volunteers from corporate employees to provide environmental, science, art and other thematic practical activities for schools for children of migrant workers in Beijing to help them develop horizons and better integrate into urban development. So far, 40 companies and more than 700 volunteers have participated, and a total of 50 themed activities have been conducted, including mini-classes on campus, off-campus visits and themed summer camps, benefiting more than 4,000 migrant children.


4.#A Gift to Rural Kids#


In 2023, Share the Care has organized companies to mobilize employees and volunteers to raise donations and matching-gift donations for rural schools and students in remote areas, which have been used to buy school supplies, daily necessities and sports and health supplies for rural children. At the same time, Share the Care has carried out volunteer activities in rural schools, organized staff volunteers to visit rural schools and students’ families and hand-delivered “gifts” to the children in rural schools.


#A Gift to Rural Kids#has included:

l   Donate Dictionaries to Tibetan Children. Up to now, more than 960,000 people have donated 12,920 copies of the Chinese-Tibetan Bilingual Dictionary to 62 Tibetan schools with the support of 35 companies.

l   Donate Washing Packages to rural Boarding School Students. So far, a total of 30 companies have donated 5,176 toiletries kits, including essential toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, towels, shampoo, body wash and soap boxes, to boarding students in 21 rural schools.

l   Donate Sports Packages to Rural Children. It has donated sports teaching supplies such as footballs, basketballs, long or short skipping ropes, shuttlecocks, frisbees and inflators to rural school students.

l   Donate Used Computers to Rural Schools. It has donated used computers from companies to rural schools.

l   Donate Winter Coats to Rural Children. To date, 13,000 pieces of winter clothes and other warm goods have been donated to students of Tibetan schools in Qinghai.


5.Rural Teachers Training Program

In 2022, with the support of Beijing Normal University and other professional institutions, Share the Care initiated the Rural Teachers Training Program, supporting companies to participate in the revitalization of rural education, cooperating in the training of rural school teachers, helping the construction of rural education personnel, and building a new ecology of rural regional education. The project was conducted in the mode of “lecture and case study and group discussion,” with Beijing Normal University formulating the training theme, content and format according to the actual needs of rural schools, and inviting education experts and famous professors from Beijing Normal University to teach on site. After the teachers pass the assessment, Beijing Normal University issued certificates of completion.


III. Corporate Incentives

1. CSR China Education Award“Volunteer Special Award”


Founded in 2014, the CSR China Education Award was jointly initiated by several industry organizations under the guidance of policies to encourage and recognize outstanding CSR projects that support the development of education in China. As of 2022, a total of 595 well-known companies have declared, of which 230 enterprises and a total of 412 outstanding CSR projects have been honored. A total of 93 companies were awarded in the 6th CSR China Education Award 2022. the organizing committee launched the online voting for the “Most Publicly Recognized Project,” with 2,595,028 page visits, 2,265,539 votes and 1,244,717 shares.


2.Share the Care “Best Charity Partner” Award


In December of every year, Share the Care releases the award list of the “Best Charity Partner” to recognize the caring companies and institutions that support and participate in Share the Care public welfare projects, and encourage more social forces to participate in public welfare and practice social responsibility.